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Self Care Tip for Headaches + Neck Tension

If you get headaches or a stiff and sore neck, this is a great little exercise to try. To do so, you will need a few tools: two rubber balls and a yoga block (or something like a couple of books that can stack up to be a similar size as a yoga block). The rubber balls should be soft. If you use ones that are as hard as lacrosse balls, you won’t get the same benefit.

Here’s How:

Put the two balls into a sock or a small bag so that they are held together. Lay on your back with the yoga block under your head. Place the balls under your head – right at the area where the base of your skull meets your neck. Now: rest in this position. This will allow a passive stretch for the muscles that join your skull to your neck.

You can choose to simply stay in this position for a few minutes, or you can do some gentle movements. Try nodding you head up and down. Just a tiny movement is enough! You can also rock your head side to side.

Experiment with this movement for just a few minutes. After you’re done, take a moment to notice how your head and neck feel.

A picture of the inside of the Rivers Osteopathy clinic

Need some extra help?

Osteopathic treatments can make a difference in your head & neck pain. If you would like to give it a try, click below to schedule you appointment.

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